Meet Our Team


Robin Redfern
- Founder

My name is Robin Redfern and I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2009. I was very sick during my treatment and struggled physically and mentally. I felt defeated and I wanted to give up. It was Christmas time and I had just announced to my husband while I was getting chemo that I could no longer continue the treatments and I was giving up. I did not have an ounce of fight left in me. At that very moment a women turned the corner and presented me with a gift bag. Her presence was not a coincidence. She was sent to me at the exact moment when I needed her and she impressed upon me to NEVER give up. I knew in my heart that if and when I got better that I would pay it forward. We started in 2010 giving out gift bags to women receiving chemotherapy hoping it would offer them love and hope.


Jennifer Temple
- Marketing Director

When I was going through my treatments for breast cancer, I received a bag from Robin filled with amazing products. That moment I knew I wanted to become involved in Bags & Blessings.  My husband Rick and I delivered bags to AHN Beaver this past year.  My children Ella and Wesley also volunteer their time at our events.  This is our way to show love to someone else and walk beside them on their journey.

Lina Houser
- Treasurer

My name is Lina Houser and I have been a member of Bags & Blessings since 2018.  My daughter, Cassidee, did her senior project for Robin's Bags.  I love the mission and wanted to get more involved.  I am excited to join the team as Treasurer for this important non-profit.  I am married to my husband Dave, and we have 2 children Tanner & Cassidee.


Terri Lenox
- Secretary

I was diagnosed with breast cancer 15 years ago.  The experience was overwhelming in many ways, but what has stayed with me was the kindness of so many people.  I joined Bags & Blessings to try to repay some of that kindness.


Brandee Cercone
- Event Director 

I have been friends with Robin for 25 years. I was there from the beginning when we assembled 12 bags in her basement. I have been blessed to watch her each year grow this ministry into something that has so much impact on women.  I have been married to Dan Cercone for 19 years and we have two children Makenna (17) and Marino (12). My children have been assisting with the bags for the last 5 years and have volunteered at the race this year.


Volkmar Kuntz
- Website Director

I met Robin through Jennifer when they planned for their first Bags and Blessings 5K in 2019. I don’t like running! That’s why I decided to support Bags and Blessing with their graphic design and website.